Fontaine Surname/Surnom: Variant Fontanelle

FONTANELLE : Surnom/Surname

Les FONTENELLE, naissances en France (births in France)
Popularité du nom de famille FONTENELLE
popularité du nom de famille

peu populaire —————–très populaire

Signification et origine du nom FONTENELLE

Origine : l’origine de ce nom est indo-européenne l’étymologie de ce toponyme provient de l’agglutination du latin médiéval fontana et du suffixe illa qui signifie : la source / la fontaine .

Popularity of Fontenelle as a last name
Meaning and origin of the name FONTENELLE

Origin: the origin of this name is Indo-European the etymology of this toponym comes from the agglutination of the medieval Latin fontana and the suffix "illa" which means: the source / the fountain.
1,201 people born in France since 1890, in 65 departments
See the detail by departments and by municipalities

7,244 rank of the most popular names in France

Launch a genealogical search for the name FONTENELLE  www.

(source: www.

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