Personnes de Renommées- Jean de la Fontaine de Crépy_en_Valois

aussi: Jean de la Fontaine – le Fabuliste Baillis de Crépy_en_Valois de 1406-1600 Source: Histoire Religieuse et civil du Valois 900-1800 The “baillis” in France during the Middle Ages was to put it in modern terms the “sherriff” who enforced the bylaws and statutes of the county, and issuing fines and prison terms for vagrants, … Read more

Welcome Fontainers- Bienvenue aux Fontaines. (photo is of Paul Adolph Fontaine dit Bienvenu- my great-great-uncle)

My great great uncle

Because of the reality of English assimilation of french culture in North America since colonization, with the dominance of the English culture, the Fontaine and variants website will be conducted in English and French in an attempt to accommodate all members of the Fontaine family. Canada struggles to be a bilingual country even though New … Read more